Our Impact in 2023/24

Who we helped in 2023/24

In total, we supported 18,698 people with simple information and advice, and 23,403 people one-to-one, by phone, email, web chat or in person with high-level advice and casework. We dealt with 120,497 issues over this period with the biggest five issue areas being:

  • Benefits - Universal Credit

  • Benefits & Tax Credits

  • Debt

  • Utilities & communications

  • Financial services & capability

In 2023/24 the number of people turning to our service for information, advice and guidance increased compared to the year before and is higher, in part because of the Cost of Living Crisis.

Despite a variety of Government support schemes to help people financially, people have turned to us for support in these challenging times.

We’ve seen the highest number of web visits ever, more people are using our digital services than ever before, and we started seeing people at face-to-face appointments again. We answered more phone calls than ever, although we have seen demand continue to rise.

What our clients thought of us

Ease of access

“How easy or difficult did you find it to access the service?”

80% confirmed it was either neutral, easy or very easy to access our service

Way forward

“To what extent did the service help you to find a way forward?”

86% confirmed we’d either moderately, greatly or completely helped them find a way forward

Problem resolved

“To what extent is your problem now resolved.”

75% confirmed we’d either partly, mostly or completely resolved their problem


“How likely would you be to recommend the service.”

88% confirmed they would likely or very likely recommend our service


Legal Stuff

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Citizens Advice SORT Group Ltd, Reg Charity: 1171817, Co Ltd. by Guarantee: 8290395.

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN: 617695

Our value to society

Each year, we give thousands of people the knowledge and confidence to find a way forward. We do this by providing advice, education, support, and influencing policies and practices that affect our clients. We survey hundreds of people yearly to give us the evidence we need to measure our impact.

For every £1 of charitable expenditure

  • We deliver £31 of broader economic and social benefit

  • We save the government and public services £4

  • We delivered an estimated £23 social and economic value to society

Financial outcomes for the people we help

For many people who turn to us for help, we look at how we can maximise their income by ensuring they receive all the benefits they are entitled to.

  1. We helped people access an extra £17 million in one-off and ongoing additional income for local people

  2. We wrote off and rescheduled £500k of debt

6 in 10 people said they felt less stressed, depressed or anxious as a direct result of our advice